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    Neuroline Disposable Cup Electrode

    Neuroline Disposable Cup
    Neuroline Disposable Cup Electrodes have great signal quality, consistency and convenience, for all your EEG, EP and PSG examinations.

    Grass Teflon Molded Safelead Cup Electrode

    Grass Teflon Molded
    Teflon gold cup Grass Electrodes are a light-weight electrode that gives recording clarity, dependability and a long life when recording EEG, EMG, ECG and EOG. It has a 10mm gold cup, 2mm hole and various wire lengths for your preference.

    Technomed Gold Plated Silver Electrodes

    Technomed Gold Plated
    Technomed Cup Electrodes, Gold plated Silver cup electrodes are ideal for EEG readings. They provide a clear and reliable signal with a short cup to cable connection to reduce lift risk.

    Technomed Disposable Ag/AgCl cup Electrode

    Technomed Disposable Silver
    Technomed Disposables optimize EEG procedures with this Ag/AgCI EEG cup electrode.

    Technomed Reusable Ag/AgCl Cup Electrode

    Technomed Ag/AgCl Cup
    These reusable electrodes are Silver/Silver Chloride (Ag-AgCl), with a 10mm cup. They have a long life due to the water resistant design and give a clear, reliable signal.

    Grass No-Tangle Silicone Cup Electrode

    Grass No-Tangle
    No-Tangle Wires Grass Electrode are reusable, ideal for clarity and convenience when recording various tests. They come with gold and silver cups and a tangle free leadwire.

    RhythmLink Disposable Slim Cup Electrode

    RhythmLink Disposable Cup
    RhythmLink Disposable EEG Cup Electrode are an Ag/AgCl electrode that boosts quality readings with reduced cross contamination

    Rhythmlink MR Conditional Disposable Slim Cup 10mm Electrodes

    Size: 1.5 M, 60", QTY: 12 per Pack

    • Eliminate the need to remove and reapply EEG electrodes each time a patient requires imaging with Rhythmlink's Disposable MR Conditional Cup electrodes
    • Disposable 10mm Electrodes w/1.5" extension
    • Qty 12

    Rhythmlink MR Conditional Deep Cup Electrode

    Rhythmlink MR Deep Cup
    These Rhythmlink MR Conditional Cup Electrodes with disposable individual connectors can safely remain on your patient during an MRI or CT scan

    Rhythmlink PressOn Electrode

    Rhythmlink PressOn
    Rhythmlink’s PressOn™ EEG Electrodes are a line of disposable EEG electrodes designed to be placed quickly for fast, quality recordings.

    Rhythmlink Disposable WEBB Electrode

    Rhythmlink WEBB
    Maximize surface area and increase patient comfort using Rhythmlink's flat Webb EEG Electrodes

    Grass Extra Width Safelead Cup Electrode

    Grass Extra Width
    Grass Extra Width Safelead Cup Electrodes have a 1.5 mm insulated female handcrafted safelead with extra width on the outer diameter. This is to provide better grip and allow for a more secure fit into systems that require it.

    Grass Hand Crafted Cup Electrode

    Grass Hand Crafted
    Hand Crafted Gold Cup Grass Electrode have a 1.5 mm femal insulated connector. They are a light weight and reliable way to record EEG, EMG, ECG and EOG recordings.