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    Digital Ring Electrodes

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    Chalgren Reusable Ring Electrode with Slide Grommet

    Chalgren Ring with Slide
    These reusuable ring electrodes hold the ring around the patient's finger and lock in place

    Chalgren Reusable Ring Electrode with Slide Lock

    Chalgren Ring with Lock
    These reusuable ring electrodes have easy grip neoprene slide grommets and heavy duty wire supports.

    NATUS Disposable Pre-gelled AG/AgCI Ring Electrodes

    Size: 20" Leadwire, 8*106mm, QTY: 10 per Pack

    Natus Digital Ring Electrodes

    Digital Ring Electrodes
    Record sensory nerve stimulation with these ring electrodes. Made up of stainless steel, these adjustable rings should be used with conductive gel through the reading. They have female touchproof connectors.